Bedste runde


The Jazz
Værste runde

The Jazz

# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
1.673 6.684 +42 Værgeløse Musikanter Viktor Eg Viktor Eg -8.405.748 57.532.062 -8.405.748 1.244.778 1.244.778
1.689 6.844 +38 AH beste mannschaft ocolind ocolind -8.580.120 57.357.690 -8.580.120 1.246.982 1.246.982
883 2.601 -135 AGF Aarhus EQC EQC -4.679.500 61.258.310 -4.679.500 1.247.340 1.247.340
1.061 3.287 -42 bouleVARdiers Rall Rall -5.417.089 60.520.721 -5.417.089 1.247.819 1.247.819
173 337 -131 Arme Papirnussere PatrickFinne PatrickFinne -2.420.030 63.517.780 -2.420.030 1.249.097 1.249.097
1.411 4.897 +63 Nisserne simonob simonob -6.979.522 58.958.288 -6.979.522 1.249.210 1.249.210
1.435 5.072 +72 Gamermikkel GamerMikkel GamerMikkel -7.123.014 58.814.796 -7.123.014 1.249.413 1.249.413
1.368 4.684 +63 Godfather 🇧🇦 Dzekson10 Dzekson10 -6.831.284 59.106.526 -6.831.284 1.249.611 1.249.611
1.249 4.056 +43 AU 2 lily09 lily09 -6.294.236 59.643.574 -6.294.236 1.250.323 1.250.323
1.062 3.290 -39 The Mainz of 99 jonashejlesen jonashejlesen -5.420.498 60.517.312 -5.420.498 1.251.441 1.251.441
1.766 7.716 +1 G’s Deniz lattakia lattakia -10.960.831 54.976.979 -10.960.831 1.252.247 1.252.247
980 2.998 -58 MBP i Kanen Mortenbpthebest Mortenbpthebest -5.121.499 60.816.311 -5.121.499 1.252.647 1.252.647
1.089 3.412 -13 Konvekse Dinosaurer jana jana -5.569.182 60.368.628 -5.569.182 1.253.016 1.253.016
919 2.743 -112 Allermann Morten Allermann Morten Allermann -4.836.757 61.101.053 -4.836.757 1.253.951 1.253.951
1.389 4.799 +66 Kritiske Minimalister Neymarasi Neymarasi -6.904.023 59.033.787 -6.904.023 1.254.473 1.254.473
1.194 3.823 +34 Kornfede Planter Gammelvind95 Gammelvind95 -6.055.316 59.882.494 -6.055.316 1.254.972 1.254.972
1.167 3.720 +32 Helstøbte Snyltere Kollerup96 Kollerup96 -5.933.189 60.004.621 -5.933.189 1.255.382 1.255.382
1.039 3.223 -48 Tretow Sagasminde Sagasminde -5.345.103 60.592.707 -5.345.103 1.257.506 1.257.506
1.098 3.440 -6 tullemor halias halias -5.599.048 60.338.762 -5.599.048 1.259.322 1.259.322
1.011 3.098 -53 Beske Arkivarer Peter Vessel Peter Vessel -5.218.826 60.718.984 -5.218.826 1.260.912 1.260.912
1.119 3.539 +1 Hæmmede Manicurister denchkid denchkid -5.709.046 60.228.764 -5.709.046 1.261.760 1.261.760
1.542 5.753 +67 Rutinerede Trunter west17 west17 -7.618.294 58.319.516 -7.618.294 1.262.767 1.262.767
1.398 4.834 +68 Turbo Bondeplagere 210893 210893 -6.931.891 59.005.919 -6.931.891 1.263.108 1.263.108
1.033 3.203 -44 Turbo Husarer steenhp steenhp -5.329.460 60.608.350 -5.329.460 1.266.753 1.266.753
860 2.527 -141 Mandrilaftalen JonasBM3 JonasBM3 -4.594.998 61.342.812 -4.594.998 1.270.216 1.270.216
924 2.758 -104 Afblegede ingis jesperaab jesperaab -4.847.796 61.090.014 -4.847.796 1.272.248 1.272.248