Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
1.300 1.956 +132 This Is The End! T-GAF T-GAF -4.567.100 62.067.900 -4.567.100 1.642.600 1.642.600
1.301 1.957 -40 Kontrære Lømler Chelsea111 Chelsea111 -4.567.200 62.067.800 -4.567.200 1.076.300 1.076.300
1.302 1.958 -30 Eyjafjallajökulla BardurJ92 BardurJ92 -4.567.700 62.067.300 -4.567.700 1.107.000 1.107.000
1.303 1.960 -70 Flyvske fugle Joeline the machine Joeline the machine -4.570.800 62.064.200 -4.570.800 987.500 987.500
1.304 1.961 -46 JETS i højere luftlag JETS Fussball JETS Fussball -4.571.200 62.063.800 -4.571.200 1.060.100 1.060.100
1.305 1.962 -185 LW Bears morytter morytter -4.574.000 62.061.000 -4.574.000 646.000 646.000
1.306 1.963 -28 BSD NFL Flemming Winther Flemming Winther -4.578.600 62.056.400 -4.578.600 1.113.200 1.113.200
1.307 1.964 +117 Storm mette406 mette406 -4.579.100 62.055.900 -4.579.100 1.599.700 1.599.700
1.308 1.971 +33 Icecream Bears michael1234 michael1234 -4.588.200 62.046.800 -4.588.200 1.277.600 1.277.600
1.309 1.973 +52 Blue Kings 3kroner 3kroner -4.592.500 62.042.500 -4.592.500 1.360.000 1.360.000
1.310 1.974 -123 Carpanthers ussing20 ussing20 -4.594.100 62.040.900 -4.594.100 813.300 813.300
1.311 1.977 -43 Festlige Stuepiger mikasibe mikasibe -4.599.400 62.035.600 -4.599.400 1.058.800 1.058.800
1.312 1.985 -15 The Odder One Ranfort Ranfort -4.611.800 62.023.200 -4.611.800 1.121.900 1.121.900
1.313 1.986 +31 New GøB Patriots Nicklas Klarskov Nicklas Klarskov -4.613.000 62.022.000 -4.613.000 1.281.900 1.281.900
1.314 1.992 -63 Tunge Ænder Baeonce Baeonce -4.624.000 62.011.000 -4.624.000 983.700 983.700
1.315 1.995 +9 Brunstige Brunsvigere Doktoren99 Doktoren99 -4.630.200 62.004.800 -4.630.200 1.197.100 1.197.100
1.316 1.996 -231 Blue Sky 3kroner 3kroner -4.631.700 62.003.300 -4.631.700 516.800 516.800
1.317 1.997 -54 Stolte Bøffer 1 Andreas Hochreuter Andreas Hochreuter -4.635.100 61.999.900 -4.635.100 1.011.100 1.011.100
1.318 2.000 -154 Froholdts Fremmedlegion Sonny Lyngsø Sonny Lyngsø -4.638.900 61.996.100 -4.638.900 706.600 706.600
1.319 2.002 +39 Olympens gyldne delfiner OlympusFC OlympusFC -4.641.200 61.993.800 -4.641.200 1.304.500 1.304.500
1.320 2.005 -132 Lyn Koreanerne 2 Simon Yoon Lehnemann Simon Yoon Lehnemann -4.644.700 61.990.300 -4.644.700 766.400 766.400
1.321 2.011 -21 Konsekvent Banankontrol Huyot Huyot -4.652.400 61.982.600 -4.652.400 1.087.600 1.087.600
1.322 2.013 +114 JRBKSDH ForumRomanum ForumRomanum -4.656.500 61.978.500 -4.656.500 1.570.700 1.570.700
1.323 2.017 -132 Garvede Genier JacobTB JacobTB -4.669.600 61.965.400 -4.669.600 745.200 745.200
1.324 2.018 +41 Team Mumbo Fisma 2 Martin Jacobsens Team Martin Jacobsens Team -4.672.900 61.962.100 -4.672.900 1.296.500 1.296.500
1.325 2.023 -13 Dallas for the win pollehund123 pollehund123 -4.681.700 61.953.300 -4.681.700 1.096.900 1.096.900