Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
1.365 2.447 +38 Mighty Mammuts Kurt Højgaard Kurt Højgaard -2.636.900 55.546.400 -2.636.900 1.216.300 1.216.300
1.364 2.445 -314 PATRIOTS4EVER FPPF Patrick gaulshoj Patrick gaulshoj -2.634.800 55.548.500 -2.634.800 788.000 788.000
1.363 2.442 -230 Never bet aginst the frogmann oollee oollee -2.632.200 55.551.100 -2.632.200 868.100 868.100
1.362 2.440 -228 Irriterende Dansemyg Bang123 Bang123 -2.629.100 55.554.200 -2.629.100 874.100 874.100
1.361 2.435 +121 Fc Ladyboyz dortmund dortmund -2.625.800 55.557.500 -2.625.800 1.369.300 1.369.300
1.360 2.434 -70 Team Jas jas 1967 jas 1967 -2.624.700 55.558.600 -2.624.700 1.064.500 1.064.500
1.359 2.429 -176 TUD73 Thomas Quaade Thomas Quaade -2.623.900 55.559.400 -2.623.900 927.500 927.500
1.358 2.414 -5 Jetgents Joachim_Snebang Joachim_Snebang -2.615.900 55.567.400 -2.615.900 1.155.200 1.155.200
1.357 2.412 -155 The Year of Joey nplayerone nplayerone -2.614.900 55.568.400 -2.614.900 953.700 953.700
1.356 2.409 -105 New Mexico Bandidos King Kong King Kong -2.614.500 55.568.800 -2.614.500 1.011.400 1.011.400
1.355 2.407 +129 New GøB Patriots Nicklas Klarskov Nicklas Klarskov -2.612.100 55.571.200 -2.612.100 1.390.200 1.390.200
1.354 2.400 -349 Vincent´s drenge Steven Christensen Steven Christensen -2.608.300 55.575.000 -2.608.300 776.200 776.200
1.353 2.392 +93 Simply Beast emilholten emilholten -2.602.100 55.581.200 -2.602.100 1.327.400 1.327.400
1.352 2.386 +218 Fc Stolpe Ud! Morten Johannesen Morten Johannesen -2.597.800 55.585.500 -2.597.800 1.668.600 1.668.600
1.351 2.379 +151 OOOO Laugef Laugef -2.594.600 55.588.700 -2.594.600 1.442.600 1.442.600
1.350 2.377 -169 Denimklædte Delfiner Dennis Qvistgaard Dennis Qvistgaard -2.594.000 55.589.300 -2.594.000 955.300 955.300
1.349 2.370 -220 Davids Devils Holly Buddies Holly Buddies -2.591.700 55.591.600 -2.591.700 906.200 906.200
1.348 2.368 +26 Hinges hold Morgendanz Morgendanz -2.590.100 55.593.200 -2.590.100 1.222.800 1.222.800
1.347 2.365 -100 Udstoppede Mus Scholes Scholes -2.586.100 55.597.200 -2.586.100 1.035.100 1.035.100
1.346 2.363 -55 Team Erichsen AaBLund AaBLund -2.585.400 55.597.900 -2.585.400 1.104.100 1.104.100
1.345 2.357 -35 Udsendte Politter emil.b.madsen emil.b.madsen -2.583.300 55.600.000 -2.583.300 1.120.000 1.120.000
1.344 2.354 -394 GusDrengene Sauna-Alejandro Sauna-Alejandro -2.581.200 55.602.100 -2.581.200 755.300 755.300
1.343 2.353 +163 Falcons allstars Nikolaj Madsen Nikolaj Madsen -2.580.900 55.602.400 -2.580.900 1.464.300 1.464.300
1.342 2.348 -306 0xfeldt hold 2 0xfeldt 0xfeldt -2.578.300 55.605.000 -2.578.300 833.000 833.000
1.341 2.345 +27 Dingo Giants DingoStars DingoStars -2.575.800 55.607.500 -2.575.800 1.228.800 1.228.800
1.340 2.334 +158 Utidige Tyre Boiskouv Boiskouv -2.570.700 55.612.600 -2.570.700 1.462.500 1.462.500