Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
1.315 2.135 +121 Shake it Goff Aurelius the Great Aurelius the Great -2.730.800 56.871.300 -2.730.800 1.504.800 1.504.800
1.314 2.132 -17 The Yardfather Sturbandit Sturbandit -2.727.500 56.874.600 -2.727.500 1.174.500 1.174.500
1.313 2.128 +119 UnderDawgs Mikael Norris Mikael Norris -2.722.200 56.879.900 -2.722.200 1.500.200 1.500.200
1.312 2.122 +187 Århus Dazn lovers Aarhus Dudes Aarhus Dudes -2.717.800 56.884.300 -2.717.800 1.703.700 1.703.700
1.311 2.121 -119 Spadens mester The bedst 123 The bedst 123 -2.716.000 56.886.100 -2.716.000 1.031.900 1.031.900
1.310 2.120 -338 Flamboyante Rimsmede Bergstar Bergstar -2.715.200 56.886.900 -2.715.200 764.800 764.800
1.309 2.116 -169 Klassiske Bænkebidere ASBI ASBI -2.711.500 56.890.600 -2.711.500 960.000 960.000
1.308 2.115 +26 Iron raiders Stubmeister Stubmeister -2.710.700 56.891.400 -2.710.700 1.268.100 1.268.100
1.307 2.112 -178 Punktlige Gopler Deorangepinjekerner Deorangepinjekerner -2.708.900 56.893.200 -2.708.900 943.100 943.100
1.306 2.111 -48 Brøndbyernes IF Nicklas Grosen Nicklas Grosen -2.708.600 56.893.500 -2.708.600 1.128.900 1.128.900
1.305 2.107 +71 Josh Allen / CMC rasmusrasch2809 rasmusrasch2809 -2.702.900 56.899.200 -2.702.900 1.393.800 1.393.800
1.304 2.105 -69 De dyre drenge wulff123 wulff123 -2.700.400 56.901.700 -2.700.400 1.106.700 1.106.700
1.303 2.102 +114 Flæbende Bævere Kaimoturiki Kaimoturiki -2.698.700 56.903.400 -2.698.700 1.482.700 1.482.700
1.302 2.101 +58 Team Jas jas 1967 jas 1967 -2.698.500 56.903.600 -2.698.500 1.345.000 1.345.000
1.300 2.099 -35 Timelønnede Bjørne Benjamin Vinje Benjamin Vinje -2.695.700 56.906.400 -2.695.700 1.157.500 1.157.500
1.300 2.099 +90 Trampe Allstars Trampedakkedak Trampedakkedak -2.695.700 56.906.400 -2.695.700 1.426.900 1.426.900
1.299 2.098 -356 Magic MvA_Dk MvA_Dk -2.695.400 56.906.700 -2.695.400 745.700 745.700
1.298 2.096 +32 Livo til NFL MalleBuh!! MalleBuh!! -2.694.900 56.907.200 -2.694.900 1.276.700 1.276.700
1.297 2.095 +91 Konsekvent Banankontrol Huyot Huyot -2.693.500 56.908.600 -2.693.500 1.426.700 1.426.700
1.295 2.093 +116 Lyn Koreanerne 2 Simon Yoon Lehnemann Simon Yoon Lehnemann -2.690.000 56.912.100 -2.690.000 1.479.600 1.479.600
1.295 2.093 -180 Bløde Knælere Christian - Christian - -2.690.000 56.912.100 -2.690.000 947.800 947.800
1.294 2.091 +104 100% Chokolademænd ccxxww ccxxww -2.686.700 56.915.400 -2.686.700 1.453.300 1.453.300
1.293 2.090 +104 Quasar Samhain Sauin Disciples Quasar One Quasar One -2.686.300 56.915.800 -2.686.300 1.450.000 1.450.000
1.292 2.088 -92 Ball Of Duty aaby99 aaby99 -2.683.200 56.918.900 -2.683.200 1.079.900 1.079.900
1.291 2.087 +45 Stolte Bøffer 1 Andreas Hochreuter Andreas Hochreuter -2.681.900 56.920.200 -2.681.900 1.300.800 1.300.800
1.290 2.086 -58 Blue Sky 3kroner 3kroner -2.681.800 56.920.300 -2.681.800 1.120.000 1.120.000