Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
1.072 1.486 -8 Sejr Supersharks Sejr99 Sejr99 -3.553.700 61.505.400 -3.553.700 1.463.100 1.463.100
1.041 1.423 -11 VENI VIDI VICI Frank Bolding 🏆 Frank Bolding 🏆 -3.473.500 61.585.600 -3.473.500 1.462.900 1.462.900
810 1.020 -34 Hvalfanger i USA Tysker3600 Tysker3600 -3.013.900 62.045.200 -3.013.900 1.462.900 1.462.900
218 247 -79 Team Terse fc Dahl fc Dahl -1.769.700 63.289.400 -1.769.700 1.462.500 1.462.500
1.396 2.310 +31 Gummy Bears michael1234 michael1234 -4.488.200 60.570.900 -4.488.200 1.462.500 1.462.500
1.108 1.546 -9 Forslugne Bløddyr Deorangepinjekerner Deorangepinjekerner -3.612.600 61.446.500 -3.612.600 1.462.300 1.462.300
1.120 1.566 -4 LW Bears morytter morytter -3.644.100 61.415.000 -3.644.100 1.461.900 1.461.900
297 339 -75 A Group to Excel andreashn andreashn -2.008.700 63.050.400 -2.008.700 1.461.700 1.461.700
834 1.059 -30 Stenstrup Securidad Morten Bøgh Morten Bøgh -3.062.400 61.996.700 -3.062.400 1.461.500 1.461.500
1.507 2.732 +28 Packers stinker Urs Freuler Urs Freuler -4.962.600 60.096.500 -4.962.600 1.461.100 1.461.100
1.474 2.599 +32 Redcity Football SneakerDK SneakerDK -4.813.300 60.245.800 -4.813.300 1.460.900 1.460.900
1.223 1.803 +20 Indy Colts martin_g_a martin_g_a -3.938.000 61.121.100 -3.938.000 1.460.900 1.460.900
458 531 -69 AllDay420 WeedSmoker420HalaMadrid WeedSmoker420HalaMadrid -2.354.100 62.705.000 -2.354.100 1.460.600 1.460.600
1.347 2.143 +37 *Superman-pose* Go Panthers! Borg Borg -4.338.500 60.720.600 -4.338.500 1.460.500 1.460.500
1.250 1.885 +31 Spadens mester The bedst 123 The bedst 123 -4.030.400 61.028.700 -4.030.400 1.459.900 1.459.900
426 493 -82 Helmax Gold HELMAX HELMAX -2.285.000 62.774.100 -2.285.000 1.459.900 1.459.900
1.210 1.756 +13 1337 gmD gmD -3.892.800 61.166.300 -3.892.800 1.459.800 1.459.800
525 610 -74 KenaiKoda AlexWalsh AlexWalsh -2.495.800 62.563.300 -2.495.800 1.459.300 1.459.300
814 1.026 -41 Nordvest Shababs Anders Wind Anders Wind -3.016.700 62.042.400 -3.016.700 1.458.900 1.458.900
1.182 1.705 +11 Jenzen AllStars Ole Jensen 3 Ole Jensen 3 -3.820.900 61.238.200 -3.820.900 1.458.500 1.458.500
728 901 -58 Bräuner Kaspersonn Kaspersonn -2.852.500 62.206.600 -2.852.500 1.458.500 1.458.500
1.177 1.692 +6 Triumferende Risgnaskere Andreas Stryhn Krejberg Andreas Stryhn Krejberg -3.798.900 61.260.200 -3.798.900 1.457.500 1.457.500
551 647 -74 Fedt mand, SPA Batigol130 Batigol130 -2.542.100 62.517.000 -2.542.100 1.456.900 1.456.900
666 805 -67 Flamberede Pjok Blichert-Toft Blichert-Toft -2.746.200 62.312.900 -2.746.200 1.456.500 1.456.500
537 629 -75 Jordan Love Is In The Air Graae01 Graae01 -2.515.000 62.544.100 -2.515.000 1.456.300 1.456.300
668 808 -67 Gummiarmene Godterne Godterne -2.747.600 62.311.500 -2.747.600 1.455.700 1.455.700