Torben Aaby Nielsen
Bedste runde

Torben Aaby Nielsen

dr. Sidor
Værste runde

dr. Sidor

# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
12.376 30.498 -277 Arsenal vinder guld Ann-SofiP. Ann-SofiP. -7.668.118 54.932.873 -7.668.118 65.563 65.563
12.375 30.488 -173 KugelSlot’s Thunderboot 23 Thunderboot 23 -7.667.074 54.933.917 -7.667.074 186.643 186.643
12.374 30.483 -304 Lurepassende Tukaner Jesper RG Jesper RG -7.666.008 54.934.983 -7.666.008 46.703 46.703
12.373 30.473 -436 Numero-1 Kris44 Kris44 -7.662.934 54.938.057 -7.662.934 -72.179 -72.179
12.372 30.460 -306 Hammeren Junker1998 Junker1998 -7.660.528 54.940.463 -7.660.528 50.846 50.846
12.371 30.450 +85 Remi-BB MIDT- 7race MIDT- 7race -7.658.318 54.942.673 -7.658.318 579.145 579.145
12.370 30.435 -131 Ufarlige Burgerbyggere Rytteri Rytteri -7.653.529 54.947.462 -7.653.529 244.510 244.510
12.369 30.434 +386 Piverts Champions Simon Weilstrup Simon Weilstrup -7.653.476 54.947.515 -7.653.476 1.222.480 1.222.480
12.368 30.426 +98 FC Rulle TheHenning TheHenning -7.652.447 54.948.544 -7.652.447 596.005 596.005
12.367 30.425 -205 GreatDanes # 11 # Pangø999 Pangø999 -7.652.338 54.948.653 -7.652.338 157.378 157.378
12.366 30.418 -241 Gåserød United Niels Erik W. Knudsen Niels Erik W. Knudsen -7.651.373 54.949.618 -7.651.373 117.174 117.174
12.365 30.415 -237 Mountain Lions FC JS.7 JS.7 -7.650.863 54.950.128 -7.650.863 121.090 121.090
12.364 30.406 -184 FLAAAASH GORDON 🍺😎🐨 Rejsende Uncle Mac Rejsende Uncle Mac -7.648.068 54.952.923 -7.648.068 183.116 183.116
12.363 30.403 +3 Fortræffelige Ådsler Valdemax Valdemax -7.647.273 54.953.718 -7.647.273 439.958 439.958
12.362 30.391 +85 Alkoholdet eller hvad? Erotisk mundvand Erotisk mundvand -7.644.949 54.956.042 -7.644.949 576.258 576.258
12.361 30.390 +81 Wagwan to the boys in Tobago KristianBOSS KristianBOSS -7.644.579 54.956.412 -7.644.579 571.390 571.390
12.360 30.377 +297 FC UNITED Nicolaidk50 Nicolaidk50 -7.641.600 54.959.391 -7.641.600 972.925 972.925
12.359 30.374 +175 Magic Magpies Stevnstrout Stevnstrout -7.641.116 54.959.875 -7.641.116 717.939 717.939
12.358 30.373 -14 Team Adada Batigol30 Batigol30 -7.641.100 54.959.891 -7.641.100 405.989 405.989
12.357 30.372 -344 Ew, Brother, Ew! What's That? ☪️ MarkusAmbrosius MarkusAmbrosius -7.640.942 54.960.049 -7.640.942 23.350 23.350
12.356 30.358 -134 PL Trophyhunters KikkiD KikkiD -7.638.036 54.962.955 -7.638.036 232.128 232.128
12.355 30.355 -65 Neutrale Kardinaler Alexsutter Alexsutter -7.637.440 54.963.551 -7.637.440 331.411 331.411
12.354 30.353 +64 Bortviste Dinosaurer Thomas Lillelund Thomas Lillelund -7.637.158 54.963.833 -7.637.158 534.107 534.107
12.353 30.343 -388 Spillere i form Aastrup14 Aastrup14 -7.635.542 54.965.449 -7.635.542 -15.909 -15.909
12.352 30.336 -151 Arsenal dreamteam Lucas2009 Lucas2009 -7.633.791 54.967.200 -7.633.791 218.883 218.883
12.351 30.335 -67 Skotteergodtilgolf bach94 bach94 -7.633.778 54.967.213 -7.633.778 331.161 331.161