Bedste runde


Værste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
12.250 29.836 +260 Madsens Bibelske Fladfisk Spillemandsen Spillemandsen -6.320.955 54.194.243 -6.320.955 822.309 822.309
12.251 29.847 +366 Wagwan to the boys in Tobago KristianBOSS KristianBOSS -6.323.166 54.192.032 -6.323.166 998.367 998.367
12.252 29.863 +249 Menige Fjerkræ PhilipoCPH PhilipoCPH -6.325.430 54.189.768 -6.325.430 805.166 805.166
12.253 29.869 -76 Vinderen Luca2009 Luca2009 -6.326.221 54.188.977 -6.326.221 428.029 428.029
12.254 29.877 -20 Hyggerbanden Michael Sørensen 6 Michael Sørensen 6 -6.327.192 54.188.006 -6.327.192 480.337 480.337
12.255 29.880 +229 FC Cecotec Torben Birk Torben Birk -6.327.355 54.187.843 -6.327.355 765.899 765.899
12.256 29.882 -54 Allerød United Jokke1981 Jokke1981 -6.327.446 54.187.752 -6.327.446 451.938 451.938
12.257 29.888 -250 Defensive Harem Junker1998 Junker1998 -6.328.470 54.186.728 -6.328.470 255.799 255.799
12.258 29.903 +248 Familiære Løjsere Stormdonovan Stormdonovan -6.331.199 54.183.999 -6.331.199 808.030 808.030
12.259 29.904 +289 Gemytlige Blindsmagere MCF MCF -6.331.495 54.183.703 -6.331.495 877.898 877.898
12.260 29.905 +311 Vihad erfcm Nunchuk Bolts Nunchuk Bolts -6.331.644 54.183.554 -6.331.644 910.065 910.065
12.261 29.919 -769 Garvede Ynglinge Torben Gille Torben Gille -6.333.816 54.181.382 -6.333.816 -152.294 -152.294
12.262 29.924 -58 Kongeklubben#15 ELMOELZ ELMOELZ -6.334.322 54.180.876 -6.334.322 445.860 445.860
12.263 29.931 -125 Hondu 1 Don Arne Don Arne -6.335.189 54.180.009 -6.335.189 385.970 385.970
12.264 29.943 -300 Bundproppen eskerod96 eskerod96 -6.337.389 54.177.809 -6.337.389 205.543 205.543
12.265 29.945 +138 Mc Einar Matew Matew -6.337.530 54.177.668 -6.337.530 656.317 656.317
12.266 29.948 -198 Koldblodige Spillemænd thom896a thom896a -6.337.808 54.177.390 -6.337.808 307.040 307.040
12.267 29.952 -80 Schallert Skilleflækker Skilleflækker -6.338.379 54.176.819 -6.338.379 422.790 422.790
12.268 29.967 -305 Piphans drenge winther_1990 winther_1990 -6.343.706 54.171.492 -6.343.706 199.044 199.044
12.269 29.970 -194 Vi har dem bianco_dk bianco_dk -6.344.186 54.171.012 -6.344.186 304.317 304.317
12.270 29.973 +320 Bedrevidende Sømænd Q det står for viggo Q det står for viggo -6.344.543 54.170.655 -6.344.543 938.412 938.412
12.271 29.977 -130 Pølsevogn FC🌭 Bo12345 Bo12345 -6.345.677 54.169.521 -6.345.677 383.391 383.391
12.272 29.982 +77 Krystalpaladset Jeeppsson17 Jeeppsson17 -6.346.349 54.168.849 -6.346.349 593.672 593.672
12.273 29.983 -152 Anstødelige Tunnelbyggere UNITED LEVER. UNITED LEVER. -6.346.440 54.168.758 -6.346.440 357.825 357.825
12.274 29.985 +89 TAA-rrific Eleven Ikke Thomas Ikke Thomas -6.346.791 54.168.407 -6.346.791 605.370 605.370
12.275 29.986 +6 Bryske Bænkevarmere Nicolailind Nicolailind -6.346.948 54.168.250 -6.346.948 522.290 522.290