Bedste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
11.864 27.603 -283 Simonsens tropper Jacob Simonsen Jacob Simonsen -6.505.585 55.062.029 -6.505.585 291.040 291.040
11.337 25.031 -427 100% Utysker Nico144e Nico144e -6.049.279 55.518.335 -6.049.279 291.043 291.043
11.371 25.189 -412 Toft92 Toft92 Toft92 -6.075.783 55.491.831 -6.075.783 291.078 291.078
8.906 16.543 -1.187 Pokerklubben Rune La Motte Rune La Motte -4.693.457 56.874.157 -4.693.457 291.150 291.150
10.821 22.751 -597 AFC Slukefter christine lind christine lind -5.681.694 55.885.920 -5.681.694 291.217 291.217
12.072 28.558 -257 Smadrede Sheiker kolka kolka -6.683.228 54.884.386 -6.683.228 291.221 291.221
12.519 31.425 -105 Daddy McSwag Kasper Witting Kasper Witting -7.301.970 54.265.644 -7.301.970 291.363 291.363
12.387 30.480 -134 Vinderen Luca2009 Luca2009 -7.087.137 54.480.477 -7.087.137 291.500 291.500
10.623 22.010 -659 Devils Red The Bonolight Bonolight -5.557.101 56.010.513 -5.557.101 291.707 291.707
12.632 32.369 -69 Bæhovederne halford halford -7.532.370 54.035.244 -7.532.370 291.923 291.923
11.630 26.334 -358 Kalveknæede Klovne cauer cauer -6.276.914 55.290.700 -6.276.914 291.957 291.957
8.646 15.863 -1.228 Kaj Kajsen Wolter7 Wolter7 -4.592.070 56.975.544 -4.592.070 292.094 292.094
9.102 17.117 -1.108 On the road again Dark Schredder Dark Schredder -4.780.367 56.787.247 -4.780.367 292.587 292.587
11.330 24.990 -428 Bomber FC bhp bhp -6.041.517 55.526.097 -6.041.517 292.704 292.704
10.061 20.066 -855 Burns IF Patti_Burns Patti_Burns -5.228.361 56.339.253 -5.228.361 293.270 293.270
11.529 25.886 -374 Klumpfoden ABT1976 ABT1976 -6.197.892 55.369.722 -6.197.892 293.314 293.314
10.801 22.666 -608 Joviale Søheste Star grill Star grill -5.666.412 55.901.202 -5.666.412 293.442 293.442
12.506 31.337 -107 Vestjyske Toons Rico Ruby Rico Ruby -7.278.720 54.288.894 -7.278.720 293.481 293.481
9.401 18.046 -1.003 FC Gurdie 🔥 Jasper Henriksen Jasper Henriksen -4.918.711 56.648.903 -4.918.711 293.842 293.842
4.498 6.415 -1.939 Glade Plysdyr jonastho jonastho -3.182.059 58.385.555 -3.182.059 294.134 294.134
8.752 16.169 -1.200 LFC på DHI Captain of the Kop Captain of the Kop -4.637.517 56.930.097 -4.637.517 294.258 294.258
12.782 33.844 -11 Friske Ådsler FriSport FriSport -7.989.436 53.578.178 -7.989.436 294.289 294.289
12.198 29.232 -218 Nativity Red Gormenka Gormenka -6.814.899 54.752.715 -6.814.899 294.987 294.987
10.060 20.059 -850 Hvor er AZZURRI thomasemilmortensen thomasemilmortensen -5.226.846 56.340.768 -5.226.846 295.196 295.196
9.620 18.720 -951 Eksemplariske Munke ISAF 8 ISAF 8 -5.020.225 56.547.389 -5.020.225 295.212 295.212
12.409 30.637 -121 LIVERPOOL4LYFE wause wause -7.122.401 54.445.213 -7.122.401 295.240 295.240