Bedste runde


# Global Spring Hold Manager Værdi Afstand Runde Runde
8.845 16.380 -1.258 Sort & Hvid Larsotto Larsotto -4.667.355 56.900.259 -4.667.355 277.599 277.599
12.393 30.546 -137 Allerød United Jokke1981 Jokke1981 -7.102.384 54.465.230 -7.102.384 277.478 277.478
12.691 32.861 -45 Ten hakket makkere Manolo Bielsa Manolo Bielsa -7.671.039 53.896.575 -7.671.039 277.342 277.342
9.173 17.338 -1.120 Lille SØD sommerfugl dallje dallje -4.815.278 56.752.336 -4.815.278 277.340 277.340
11.233 24.523 -487 Kølhalede Individer Glenn marcher Glenn marcher -5.965.989 55.601.625 -5.965.989 277.333 277.333
10.794 22.638 -650 Abnorme Skovsvin brian Lundstrøm brian Lundstrøm -5.662.628 55.904.986 -5.662.628 277.198 277.198
8.665 15.908 -1.282 B AskerB AskerB -4.597.377 56.970.237 -4.597.377 276.933 276.933
11.133 24.086 -503 LM83 Lovespurs Lovespurs -5.892.056 55.675.558 -5.892.056 276.907 276.907
12.752 33.393 -44 Van GAAAL Van GAAAL -7.828.305 53.739.309 -7.828.305 276.701 276.701
12.440 30.908 -118 Festlige Slamberter WilliamBrandi WilliamBrandi -7.181.732 54.385.882 -7.181.732 276.623 276.623
9.812 19.261 -983 Floyd Landis' black & white army dannitheman dannitheman -5.104.069 56.463.545 -5.104.069 275.926 275.926
12.634 32.377 -83 Androgyne Filurer jannick87 jannick87 -7.534.524 54.033.090 -7.534.524 275.536 275.536
12.318 29.947 -193 Coopers Udvalgte Cooper the Dog Cooper the Dog -6.969.734 54.597.880 -6.969.734 274.900 274.900
5.177 7.703 -1.919 Mads IKKE pive 😀 sofaligaen sofaligaen -3.400.848 58.166.766 -3.400.848 274.458 274.458
11.355 25.129 -446 amatørerne delfinos delfinos -6.065.071 55.502.543 -6.065.071 274.362 274.362
11.929 27.845 -302 Boston YNWA 3 tinus tinus -6.551.750 55.015.864 -6.551.750 274.167 274.167
11.765 27.050 -336 Rutinerede Udskud Nikopiko8660 Nikopiko8660 -6.406.106 55.161.508 -6.406.106 273.906 273.906
6.855 11.284 -1.751 CELA United Celander Celander -3.939.928 57.627.686 -3.939.928 273.740 273.740
10.798 22.655 -656 Banale Tigre Gert Christiansen Gert Christiansen -5.664.586 55.903.028 -5.664.586 273.681 273.681
11.416 25.399 -428 UnLuckyLuke Edalovic Edalovic -6.111.391 55.456.223 -6.111.391 273.477 273.477
7.719 13.368 -1.566 VBK nfardan nfardan -4.240.540 57.327.074 -4.240.540 273.310 273.310
9.479 18.287 -1.043 Gorms Footsport Association Jakob Gorm Jakob Gorm -4.952.749 56.614.865 -4.952.749 272.622 272.622
11.473 25.657 -412 Frankiys Fucktards SuckMyDick SuckMyDick -6.157.379 55.410.235 -6.157.379 272.619 272.619
11.302 24.872 -457 FC Smidstrup Claudius Claudius -6.022.661 55.544.953 -6.022.661 272.594 272.594
9.019 16.859 -1.203 AFC FTW KingHavertz KingHavertz -4.742.800 56.824.814 -4.742.800 272.434 272.434
7.250 12.189 -1.669 Op og ta’ føring uden Erling baloom baloom -4.072.967 57.494.647 -4.072.967 272.360 272.360